23rd Sep.
Today my day started early, at 6:30. I got up to get ready and go to school. The first class was French, where we continued working on a poem about love that we had started the day before. Then, in English, we had a test on past tenses and we surveyed our classmates.
In Maths and Physics, we reviewed equations, types of numbers, and the steps needed to solve a Physics question. At 12:20, it was time for lunch, and at 13:30 I had SES (Sciences Économiques et Sociales). We watched a video about a kindergarten class and discussed the types of objectives achieved in the classes, as well as going into more detail on some of the points.
After SES, I had CDI (the library), but since I had nothing pending, I joined my classmates in Spanish class. We watched a short film and analyzed what was happening in the story. After class, I returned to the CDI with Eva and some girls from Alcoy, where we waited for Matéo to finish his classes.
In the afternoon, we returned home and did our homework. Once I finished, I rested a little and Matéo's cat stayed with me all afternoon, keeping me company. Afterwards we had dinner and chatted for a while, although we went to bed early to be ready for the next day.
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